1.3.2006 My brain has always felt a little bit strange. I don't know... My brains always felt scrambled. Always felt wrong, somehow. When I realized I was trans, a little bit made sense. The feeling of wanting to tear my flesh away, to reveal my viscera in all of its bloody beauty to the world. When they took me in, they told me their stories. Chris' parents died, and he had been living with a neglectful uncle for most of his life until he saved up enough money to move out. Ajax, back then we only knew her as Ashley, was a documenter. He was the only other trans one there, and so when I came out, we took a sort of kinship with each other. We'd spend so many late nights watching whatever cheap indie horror films we can afford, relating to its horrible monsters far too often. It wasn't long before the four of us started seeking our own horrors, just for cheap thrills. It was around this time that we discovered how Sugardale had some more... Interesting properties. How the odd, the gothic, the macarbe, all seemed to be drawn to it, like moths to flames. We raided labs, we hunted demons, hell, I even lost my virginity (a bit too youngly) to a mermaid. I suppose you could say that we, too, were oddities drawn in by the town. Just four more oddballs amongst the many. This website was once a chronicle of the four of us and our adventures: Me, Ajax, Chrissy, and / . But now it is a memorial for the charred remnants of my ever decaying mind. For as long as I can remember, there has been a little voice inside my head. But ever since he went missing, it grow louder, and louder, and louder. And it hasn't always been there. I still dream about her. That's the only way I can remember her.  Hell is real & it is forever. You can't kill an idea, |